4 Advice For Better Managing Commercial Greenhouses

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Modern-day agriculture is fast losing its sheen for the younger population who are not willing to take up the challenges that gridlock this sector. They feel it offers lower disposable income, and the working hours are strenuous and long. Barring for few pockets of interest where there is a reverse brain drain from people leaving their cushy jobs to go back to farming so that they can grow their food using sustainable practices to retain the nutrition, there seem to be fewer takers. To all the overwhelmed people who have a chance to grow their food, it is time to try their hand at greenhouse farming.

Using a greenhouse sliding door one can construct a structure as per their budget and requirements where they can use modern techniques to control the climate and maintain it at a desirable level that is conducive to plant growth. Greenhouse farming is taking center stage as a sustainable approach for food production using smart sensors that aid in automated climate control systems. It is a way to protect food crops from harsh climatic conditions in an enclosure that experiences the optimum temperature and conditions that promote the growth of crops. Pest management is easier in these enclosures thereby maintaining healthy and abundant crop yields. All these efforts turn into better returns over investment and make farming an investable option for the next generation. In short, by using automated greenhouses for commercial farming, we can maintain the population of farmers and make every unit a profit center.

  • Use Thermal Curtains

Heat exit is a major concern of greenhouses as the energy consumption of using humidifiers will increase if thermal curtains are not used to trap the natural heat. In cold regions, frost-resistant plants can be grown but other crops provide food which provides us a wholesome nutrient balance, which is usually rare or expensive, as they have to be imported from other regions. Using thermal curtains will increase the efficiency of a commercial greenhouse farm that otherwise has to depend on energy consumption to use devices to maintain the temperature.

  • Sliding Doors

Multiple people entering and exiting a greenhouse should not cause heat to escape from the greenhouse. Installation of sliding doors will help the cause without hindrance to the temperature control efforts in the greenhouse. It is advisable to seal the north side of a greenhouse because this direction does not receive any sunlight and still allows heat to escape.

  • Insulate The Surroundings

The entire perimeter of the greenhouse should be insulated up to 2-3 feet above ground level to act as a barrier for the heat from escaping a greenhouse unit.

  • Regular Maintenance

Fans, lights, pumps, irrigation channels, harvesting tools, spraying, and feeding machines are used regularly and are prone to daily wear and tear. Regular maintenance of this equipment will ensure longevity.


Measures taken at the government and individual levels to use technology to bring farming back into fashion will ensure that we have food on more tables than ever before.

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