Top 5 Benefits of Investing In a Quality Extension Cord

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Extension cords come in numerous shapes and sizes. With dozens of options to explore, you can easily find a cable that suits your power needs.

However, it’s imperative to examine an extension cord thoroughly before purchasing it.

This article will unpack the top five benefits of insisting on a heavy duty extension cord. But first, let’s understand what constitutes a high-quality cable.

The Meaning of Quality Concerning Extension Cords

The term “high-quality extension cord” can have a wide spectrum of meanings, depending on the context.

Some people gauge the quality of extension cords merely by their ability to extend power supply to the target equipment. To others, it’s the cable’s durability that truly matters.

Most experts recommend purchasing a heavy duty extension cord. Such cables commonly have gauge ratings of 8, 10, or 12, and are suitable for connecting power-intensive equipment like ovens and water heaters. Conversely, extension cords with gauge ratings of 14 and over are ideal for use with lighter-duty appliances, such as lighting fixtures and home entertainment systems.

Second, pick an extension cable whose amperage, voltage, and wattage match that of the intended device.

When it comes to weather resistance, the thumb rule is to check for the initials “SJEOW” in the product’s label. Each letter represents the wire’s insulation capabilities, allowing you to determine its ideal use environment.

Benefits of High-Quality Extension Cords

1. Reliability and Performance

Frequent electrical outages are frustrating enough. But for workplaces that rely heavily on electricity, such as construction sites and data centers, downtime triggered by power outages can have far-reaching implications for productivity.

Most power-related downtimes are caused by external transmission faults, such as transformer explosions. However, some could also be caused by malfunctions in internal electrical connections.

One way to address such downtimes is to upgrade to high-quality extension cords.

A premium extension cable will ensure steady power supply to all connected appliances.

2. Fire Prevention

According to the National Fire Protection Association, over 33,000 commercial electrical fires occur in the United States annually. These incidents resulted in around $1.36 billion worth of direct property damage and nearly 45 human fatalities.

Various factors can trigger electrical fires, including using substandard extension cords.

Therefore, switching to premium cables can make a difference in lowering the statistics.

Investing in a proper extension cord is particularly essential to workplace safety. It protects your business staff and valuable property, guarding against any financial losses to your company.

3. Cost-Efficiency

You may desire to save a few extra coins by purchasing the cheapest extension cable around. However, it won’t be long before you realize you made a terrible decision.

The cord may develop malfunctions sooner than you expected, forcing you to find a replacement. The vicious cycle will repeat if the replacement is equally low quality.

Eventually, you will realize that the cumulative cost of buying low-grade extension cords is far higher than spending extra on high-quality cables.

Premium-quality extension cords undeniably come with a hefty price tag. But you only cry once, so to speak.

4. Time-Efficiency

Time is the greatest human resource. Whether you operate a high-flying business or are a stay-at-home parent, I believe you can vouch for the truth in that statement.

No one wants to waste time shopping for the same thing over and over again. Much less if the item is an essential electrical component like an extension cord.

The sheer amount of time and effort required to find a high-quality extension cable is, in itself, demotivating. Therefore, you’d want to find the right cord on the first attempt and forget about buying the product, at least for the next couple of months.

That’s another reason to prioritize high-quality extension cords.

5. Maintaining Compliance

Purchasing a high-quality extension cord doesn’t only benefit you directly. It’s also an act of compliance.

For instance, the OSHA construction standard requires all extension cables to be rated for hard or extra-hard usage. Such cords should bear indelible marks approximately every foot along the wire’s length, denoting their approved use environment.

Using unmarked extension cords in construction sites is a code violation. Penalties can range from mere warnings to jail terms.

Note that OSHA regulations for electrical connections vary considerably from one industry to another. Strive to be up to date on all relevant laws to ensure compliance.

Wrap Up

Buying a high-quality extension cord enhances the safety and performance of your electrical appliances. It’s also a cost-effective and sustainable decision in the long run.

As with most electrical components, the trick is understanding what you need in an extension cord before you hit the nearest electrical shop. Remember that power needs vary significantly from one home or workplace to another.

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