Granite and marble stairs inside and outside buildings

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Granite and Marble Stairs: Indoor and Outdoor Use

Granite and marble are two natural materials that have been used in construction for centuries to create extremely aesthetic and durable stairs. However, the choice between granite and marble stairs can depend on many factors, such as the location of the building and the functionality of the premises.

Granite and marble have impressive aesthetics and functionality when it comes to creating stairs, but there are some features of use worth considering, especially when it comes to granite surfaces.

Granite stairs for outdoor spaces

Granite is a material that impresses with its durability and resistance to external factors. Therefore, granite stairs are perfect for outdoor use. They will withstand the effects of weather conditions, when rain, frost and sun can be a test for any material.

Granite has a high resistance to abrasive wear, which makes it ideal for creating a long-lasting and reliable outdoor staircase. In addition, granite can look elegant and stylish, adding aesthetic charm to any exterior architecture.

Granite stairs impress with their durability and resistance to weather conditions, however, it is important to keep in mind that wet conditions can make their surface slippery. To avoid the danger of unforeseen slipping, it is recommended to subject granite stairs to heat treatment.

Heat treatment of granite makes its surface more suitable for safe use, even when exposed to moisture.

Marble Stairs for Indoor Use

Marble, on the other hand, is famous for its refined texture and beautiful colors. This material is often used for interior decor, as marble stairs can create an atmosphere of luxury and elegance.

Marble stairs are ideal for the interiors of residences, hotels, restaurants and other facilities where not only practicality but also aesthetics are important. The high quality and noble appearance of marble make it an excellent choice for creating elegant and attractive interior staircases.

Marble stairs intended for indoor use usually do not require heat treatment to prevent slipping, as they are installed in conditions where the humidity level is much lower than in outdoor spaces.

Marble has its own natural moisture resistance, which makes it ideal for interior use. Moreover, the natural luster of marble can add elegance and luxury to any interior space.

So, the choice between granite and marble stairs depends on the specific needs and characteristics of the place where they will be used. Granite is the ideal choice for outdoor spaces where strength and stability are important, while marble is beneficial for indoor spaces where aesthetics and luxury are at the forefront. Be smart with your choice and your staircase will serve as both a functional and aesthetic element of the building.

Source: Budgran

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